Book an inspection below*.
*Resale Properties (based on square footage)
*New construction properties (based on square footage)
*Reinspection (based on square footage)
It is not mandatory for you or your agent to attend the inspection.
*DISCLAIMER: Pricing is based on square footage and is subject to change at any time without notice and includes basement square footage (if applicable) as we confirm the information with tax records. Trip charge may apply for locations 50+ miles from our office. Additional structures (i.e. detached garages, ADU’s, etc. can be inspected for an additional fee). Please book an inspection to see current pricing. We accept debit cards and all major credit cards. Ancillary services such as sewer scope, radon testing and WDO inspections are offered at an additional fee.
TIME SLOTS: We cannot accommodate for you to be in attendance as we try to help as many as we can with the biggest purchase of their lives. The inspector can call you with key findings. Your selected inspection time WILL change and is only an estimate as we service all of Metro Atlanta and base inspections on locations and drive time to and from our office and prior inspections. We edit time based upon distance between inspections, square footage, age of home, property type, etc. For jobs that start at 7:30am or 8:00am, we perform an exterior inspection for the first 45 minutes to an hour of the inspection time depending upon the property type.
SCHEDULING ISSUES | CANCELLATIONS | NEW CONSTRUCTION CREDENTIALS | REINSPECTIONS: For these items, please email Shellena, at and she’ll respond quickly. Please complete all red asterisk items and do not add a comma in for the square footage. Add the basement square footage into the total square footage. Your booking is just a request; Shellena will confirm all the information and then a next steps email & text will go to the Buyer(s) on how to make payment. Also, add your agent and the listing agent to the booking request. For new construction, our credentials are emailed to all parties in your confirmation email.
CHOICE OF INSPECTOR: Please note that with gratitude, our company has expanded; therefore, all of our inspectors have gone through rigorous training and operate under the guidelines and procedures given by our owner, Craig Hazard. We CANNOT grant preferential treatment of your desired inspector. However, please note your assigned inspector can change without notice and will follow company policies and procedures. A great experience, quality and consistency is what we pride ourselves on.
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